Attend the first ever FLOSS COMPETENCE CENTERS SUMMIT to network with managers of FLOSS development and promotion centers worldwide. Share experience, define best practice, and evaluate possible synergies.
1st OCTOBER 2009 - 11.00-17.30 - EUROSITES GEORGE V, PARIS - BY APPLICATION (Contact : CompetenceCentersSummit@openworldforum.org) - Summit organized within the Open World Forum
Slowly but surely, Open Source Software is revolutionizing IT innovation and strategies. In a few years, what was created by a small group of developers and communities has now grown to represent 10% of the IT market and become – as Forrester Research recently remarked - "the new hidden backbone of the software industry". More importantly, Open Source is becoming the definitive choice as a fundamental lever for innovation, and a major source of breakthroughs in Telcos (mobile devices, netbooks,...), Cloud Computing, Embedded, Internet of Things, etc. For some years now, some visionary communities in industry and public sector bodies have developed dedicated structures to support this move, disseminate knowledge and help enterprises and governments leverage Open Source to increase competitiveness, innovation and economic growth. While they all come from different backgrounds (Innovation clusters, academics, etc.), focus (e-gov, manufacturing, education, etc.) and business models (public or private funding), all of them have common issues: how to support the adoption of open source most efficiently, where to best position in the FLOSS ecosystem (in complement to, and synergy with FLOSS communities, software vendors, integrators and users), how to set up sustainable funding models... The first ever FLOSS COMPETENCE CENTERS SUMMIT intends to bring together for the first time managers of key FLOSS Competence Centers worldwide to share experience, define best practices, and evaluate possible synergies. The intended deliverable of the Summit is the foundation of a worldwide network of FLOSS Competence Centers, to increase FLOSS promotion and favor exchange of best practices.
Welcome and Summit opening
- Jan Ziesing, Fraunhofer Fokus, FLOSS Competence Centers Summit Coordinator
- Jean-Pierre Laisne, Former President of the Open World Forum (2008 Edition), Coordinator of the Qualipso Competence Centers initiative, Open Source Strategist, Bull
Short presentation of each delegate and Competence Center represented. Getting to know one another / networking / making different approaches visible
KEYNOTE presentations: Best practices in FLOSS Competence Centers, feedback from successful experiences
- Founding an industry driven FLOSS center: the 15 years experience of COSS Finland, by Ilkka Lehtinen, Executive Director (to be confirmed)
- Promoting FLOSS for e-government: the IPA Japan perspective, by Tashiro Shuichi, Director (to be confirmed)
Lunch and networking
WORKSHOP involving all participants
What position do Competence Centers occupy in the FLOSS ecosystem, and what business models exist for these structures? Possible goals and positioning of Competence Centers / business models / strategies / do's and dont's. Workshop chaired by Jan Ziesing, FLOSS Competence Center Summit Coordinator, Fraunhofer Fokus
KEYNOTE presentations: A glimpse of the future: FLOSS promotion in tomorrow's Open World
- Competence Centers: at the core of tomorrow's FLOSS education. By Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona, OSOR.EU Coordinator
- A vision of the forge of the future: towards Web 3.0 FLOSS marketplaces and ecosystems. By Patrick Sinz, Vice-President, AFUL, and Francois Elie, Chairman, Adullact.
Pause - networking
WORKSHOP involving all participants
How to foster synergies between FLOSS Competence Centers worldwide? Using the event as a starting point for something more / Foster connections between Competence Centers / Which common initiative or network could we launch? Workshop chaired by Tony Wasserman, Director of the Center for Open Source Investigation, Carnegie Mellon Silicon Valley
Summit conclusion
- All participants
To favor practical work and synergies, this summit is a networking workshop dedicated to people managing existing Competence Centers, and to people interested in creating new Competence Centers. Attendance is limited to 60 people maximum, by application only. If you represent a FLOSS Competence Center or related organization, and would like to participate in this summit, please request an invitation here at CompetenceCentersSummit@openworldforum.org
This Summit is coordinated by the QUALIPSO consortium, in partnership with many FLOSS Competence Centers worldwide: ADULLACT, COSI, FOSSFA, OSOR.EU, etc. All Key FLOSS Competence Centers worldwide will be welcome, and are warmly invited to join this open Summit
2009 Partners
(*) Formal confirmation in process.