The Free/Libre/Open Source Software (FLOSS) movement is revolutionizing IT strategies and the software industry.
Are you ready for this paradigm shift?
With 160 speakers from 20 countries, and a 1,200-strong international audience, the 2008 Edition of the Open World Forum has highlighted the influence that F/OSS will have on the implementation of tomorrow’s major technological advances. Discover the Press Release, including the Forum 7 predictions and 80 recommendations.
Press release
At the hub of the FLOSS revolution, the Open World Forum 2009 will be dedicated to "F/OSS: at the heart of the digital recovery". On October 1,2 2009, it will bring together thousands of attendees and the most respected FLOSS experts worldwide, providing a unique opportunity to:
- Discover the latest trends and technologies in F/OSS, from high-level business strategies to profound technical insights.
- Explore the future of IT and F/OSS, on the basis of the discussions and recommendations that emerges from a unique global exercise in forward thinking: the 2020 FLOSS RoadMap,
- Share insights and best practices with many of the most respected F/OSS experts and entrepreneurs worldwide, to cross-fertilize initiatives
- Network with thousands of CxOs, CIOs, IT managers, architects, developers, academics and investors coming from five continents.
The Open World Forum 2009 will provides the occasion for all F/OSS leaders, stakeholders and users to meet, and ample opportunities for networking and making new connections. It will serve as a central arena for giving exposure to, and evaluating new F/OSS trends, players and technologies.
The plenary sessions will explore how Open Source can contribute to renewed economic growth, as a major driver for competitiveness and innovation as well as a force for social improvement and national sovereignty. In addition, the 2009 Forum will play host to five major events:
- An Open Innovation Summit and an emerging technologies radar, enabling delegates to find out about the latest developments taking place, and putting the most promising start-ups at the time into direct contact with larger companies and investors,
- A F/OSS Community Summit, bringing together decision-makers from the major communities (Apache, Eclipse, Linux Foundation, Mozilla, OW2...) to further strengthen the synergies between them and their global initiatives,
- An Open CIO Summit enabling Chief Information Officers and IS/IT Directors from the public and private sectors to evaluate the best ways in which to capitalize on open technologies,
- An Open Source Competence Center Summit, bringing together the main international competence centers and promotional centers from the field of F/OSS, to enhance synergies between them and worldwide initiatives in this area,
- A summit meeting on Free / open source software public policies, dedicated to the Regions of Europe, enabling cross-fertilization between Open Source initiatives in these highly strategic areas.
A panoramic view of key technologies, the Open Day, combined with an exhibition area, will allow organizations to evaluate the best technologies from the F/OSS world, and their future direction. The 2009 Forum will also play host to a jobs and training fair, and numerous other associated events and seminars, promoting useful cultural exchanges in key areas for the future: cloud computing, SOAs, Web 3.0... The Open World Forum will also partner with a unique event worldwide: the European Edition of the Open Source Think Tank
The Open World Forum 2009 will take place right in the center of Paris, in a large convention Center. Visiting the Open World Forum, you will be able to combine business and technology prospecting with the discovery of one of the most beautiful cities in the world.
The Open World Forum 2009 will be formerly announced soon.
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