September 30, 2010, from 11:00 AM to 04:00 PM - Register >
In a world characterized by post-crisis trauma, thriving communities are an example to follow. Come and see for yourself how FLOSS organizations operate, how they leverage values such as sharing, empathy and transparency, and priorities such as ubiquity, coopetition and resilience. By attending the Open Communities track, you will participate in lively discussions with leaders of global Open Source communities such as Apache, Eclipse, Gnome, Mozilla, OpenOffice, OW2 and SourceForge. Come and take a look inside the black box, and see what you can learn from open source communities. This track is for community members, company executives and all those interested in the operations of open source communities and their impact on business practices.
These workshops are chaired by Cedric Thomas, CEO, OW2 Consortium
09.00-10.30 |
10.30-11.00 |
Pause and networking |
Morning workshop - The operational efficiency of open communities |
11.00-12.30 |
Often fueled by endless debates and usually operating on a shoestring, open communities must still deliver excellent services. This workshop will discuss how open communities can develop membership, boost participation, track contributions, meet expectations, maintain a healthy balance, solve conflicts, deal with trolls, stay on the edge, etc. In a nutshell, the workshop will discuss best practices for sustainable open communities. |
Workshop Co-leads: - Bertrand Delacretaz, Apache Software Foundation (switzerland) - Dave Neary, Gnome Foundation (France-Ireland) - Louis Suarez-Potts, Open Office Community Manager, Oracle (Canada) |
12.30-14.00 |
Cocktail-Lunch and networking |
Afternoon workshop - The business impact of Open communities |
14.00-16.00 |
Private companies are increasingly developing strategies to leverage open communities for profit and growth. While community marketing management is becoming a popular function in the enterprise, are open communities in danger of being instrumentalized? Are companies and open communities friends or foes? To what extent are open source software communities and the companies that leverage open source software interdependent and do they share common goals? |
Workshop co-leads: - Mike Milinkovich, Executive Director, Eclipse Foundation (Canada) - Simon Phipps, Chief Strategy Officer, ForgeRock, former Chief Open Source Officer, Sun (UK) - Ross David Turk, Director, Developer Community Outreach and Evangelism, Alcatel-Lucent (USA) (USA) |
16.00-16.30 |
Pause and networking |
16.30-18.00 |
Please note that only the attendees who desired to be publically displayed will be listed here, so there may be more attendees that you currently see.