Previous speakers at the Open World Forum included:
- Jean-Pierre Archambault, Professor, CNDP-CRDP Paris, SCEREN
- Ana Amorim, Serpro
- Eric Bachard, Professor, UTBM
- Christophe Ballihaut, Manager, Nexen Services
- Jesus Barahona, University Rey Juan Carlos
- Jean-Pierre Barberis, General Manager, Bull Services
- Nicolas Barcet, Ubuntu Server Product Manager - Canonical
- Eric Barroca, CEO, Nuxeo
- Marcus Bauer, Founder, TangoGPS
- Christian Bayle, Gforge Community leader in Europe, France Telecom Orange
- Roland Benedetti, Managing Director, eZPublish
- Jérôme Bernard, Director EMEA Operations for Amazon EC2, Elastic Grid
- Jean-Luc Beylat, Vice President, Business partnerships, Alcatel-Lucent Bells Labs
- Gaël Blondelle, CTO, EBM Websourcing
- Lucas Bonnet, OpenMoko expert, Bearstech
- Olivier Bouzereau, Global Security Mag
- Thierry Brettnacher, Directeur du Conseil Nexedi ERP5
- Tom Cahill, EMEA Director, JasperSoft
- Stefano Camuzzo, Project Manager, SpagoBI Engineering
- Davide dalle Carbonare, Project Architect, Engineering
- Cédric Carbone, CTO, Talend
- Miguel Carrillo, Telefonica I+D
- Rogerio Atem de Carvalho, Federal Center for Technological Education (Brazil)
- Emmanuel Chaillox, Université Paris 6
- Olivier Chamberaud, IBM - Affaires Nouvelles et Développement
- Jean-Marie Chauvet, Founder and Partner, LC Capital
- Stephan Chraibi, Head of IT Strategy and Architecture, AVIVA
- Charly Clairmont, CTO, ALTIC
- Paulo Coelho, Proderj
- Scott Collison, CEO, Ohloh
- Clarice Coppeti, CIO - Caixa Econonica Federal
- Roberto Di Cosmo, Professor, University Paris Diderot Paris 7
- Jean-Luc Couasnon, Senior Executive, Accenture
- Alex Coutant, Atelier Citoyen
- Stéphane Crozat, Professor, UTC Compiègne
- Loïc Dachary, APRIL
- Stéphane Dalmas- INRIA
- Renzo Davoli, University of Bologna (Italy)
- Philippe Davy, Journaliste
- Thierry Delprat, CTO, Nuxeo
- Jean-Christophe Deprez, QualOSS project coordinator, CETIC
- Christophe Deruel, Director, Zend France
- Laurent Doguin, Nuxeo
- Jean-François Donikian, President of StarXpert
- Julien Dubois, Regional Director, SpringSource
- Ludovic Dubost, CEO, XWiki
- Marc Dutoo, Consultant, Open Wide
- François Elie, Chairman, ADULLACT
- François Exertier, Project Leader, Bull
- Miguel Valdes Faura, BPM Manager, Bull
- Olivier Fendt, Director, OSS Clearing House, Siemens
- Stefane Fermigier, Founder and Chairman, Nuxeo
- Pierre Ficheux, CTO, Open Wide/OS41 (Open Source For Industries), Technical leader of RTEL 4I project
- Oliver Fendt, OSS Clearing House Director, Siemens
- Stefane Fermigier, Founder and Chairman, Nuxeo
- Dr. Matthias Fluegge, Head of Interoperability Research Group, Fraunhofer FOKUS (Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communications Systems)
- Cyril Fonlupt, Université du Littoral (France)
- Vincent François, Consultant, StarXpert
- Christiana Soares de Freitas, University of Brazilia
- Maxime Gaillard, StartX
- Jean-Noël de Galzain, VP Program Committee and CEO, Wallix
- Rishab Aiyer Ghosh, FLOSS Program Leader, UNU-MERIT
- Jose Gato Luis, Engineer, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
- Elmar Geese, Chairman, Linux Verband
- Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona, FLOSSMetrics project coordinator, Rey Juan Carlos University
- Tugdual Grall, VP Business and Product Strategy, eXo Platform
- Steven L. Grandchamp, President and CEO, OpenLogic
- Gilles Gravier, Global Government Industry Solutions Architect
- François Gruyer, Skill Group Manager, OSMM expert, CapGemini
- Florent Guillaume, Head of R&D, Nuxeo
- Laurent Guiraud, Google
- Christer Gundersen, Friprogsenteret, OSOR.EU
- Hervé Guyomard, Business Development Manager, Black Duck Software
- Sébastien Hache, Teacher, Sésamath
- David Hammerstein, Member of the European Parliament
- Olivier Heintz, Founder, NEREIDE, OfBiz
- Wang Huaimin, Professor, China National University of Defense Technology
- Valérie Humery, ANDSI
- Benjamin Jean- LINAGORA
- Bryan Joseph, Directeur (CEO), Zarafa
- Fabio Kon, Professor, University of Sao Paulo
- Laurent Kott, Directeur, Inria-Transfert
- C N Krishnan, Director, Indian National Resource Centre for Open Source
- Franz Kudorfer- Senior Consultant, Siemens
- Deivi Kuhn, Serpro
- Jean-Pierre Laisné, Open Source Chief Strategist, Bull
- Didier Lamouche, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Bull (*)
- Bernard Lang, Research Director, INRIA
- Philippe Laurent, Lawyer, Marx Van Ranst Vermeersch & Partners
- Eric Leblond, CEO of INL
- Arnaud Lefèvre, Directeur Général Adjoint, Nuxeo
- Grégoire Lefèvre, Project Manager, OPIIEC
- Bertrand Lemaire, Chef des informations CIO
- Gwenael LeRoux, Colombbus
- Laurent Letourny, Owner, Ysance and Partner, SugarCRM
- Ouahiba Louafi, Epitech
- Pascale Luciani, Profusus
- Emma MacGrattan, VP engineering of Ingres
- Eric Mahé, Silicon Sentier
- Jose Carlos Maldonado, University of Sao Paolo - Sao Carlos
- Christian Malz, Partner Manager, Jedox
- Renato Martini, President, Brazil National Institute of Information Technology
- Luc Maurer, Founder, CamptoCamp and Partner, OpenERP
- Marcos Mazoni, President, Serpro
- Emma McGrattan, CTO, Ingres
- Corinto Meffe, SLTI/Ministery of Planing
- Matteo Melideo, QualiPSo Project Coordinator, Engineering
- Javier Pueyo Mena, PhD and Researcher, Science and Citizenship group, CSIC
- Benjamin Mestrallet, Founder and Chairman, eXo Platform
- Damien Metzler, Leroy Merlin
- Jean-Marie Micallef, Founder, Phidias and Libertis Chairman, Compiere
- Mike Milinkovich, Executive Director, Eclipse Foundation
- Jean-Louis Missika, Paris City Council, Innovation, Research and Universities Deputy
- Sandro Morasca, Professor, Insubria University
- John Newton, Founder and CTO, Alfresco
- Antonio de las Nieves, Co-Founder, Yerbabuena Software
- Nnenna Nwakanma, Chair, FOSSFA council and Vice President, Digital Solidarity Fund and Board Member, OSI Board Member
- Clément Oudot, Project Leader, Linagora
- Jean-Marc Orliaguet, Chalmers University
- Stefano De Panfilis, R&D Director, Engineering
- Daniel Pascot - Université de Quebec
- Ori Peckelman- AF83, DRUPAL Community member
- Susanna Pelagatti, University of Pisa (Italy)
- Jérôme Petazzoni, Pilotsystems
- Cyril Pierre de Geyer, Observatoire du Logiciel Libre et Anaska from AlterWay group
- Fabien Potencier, Founder and CEO, Sensio Labs
- Mathieu Poujol, Pierre Audouin Consulting
- Pierre Pronchery, RunningBear expert, Bearstech
- Jean-Yves Pronier, Product Marketing Director, Sun Microsystems France
- Rodolphe Quiédeville, April and Lolix
- Sean Radford, Managing Director, Tacola
- Klaus Reichling, SEMIC.EU Project Manager, ]init[ AG
- Stéphane Réthoré- iB formation, CGOS Observatoire du Libre
- Alain Ribière, Project Manager, EDF R&D
- Paul Richardet, Silicon Sentier
- Olivier Ricou, EPITA (France)
- Phil Robb, HP, Chairman of FOSSBazaar.org
- Teo Romera- Professor, Rey Juan Carlos University
- Lino Roque Kieling, President, Dataprev
- Marc Sallieres, Founder and CEO, Altic
- Rogerio Santana, President, SLTI/Ministry of Planning
- Gilles Saulière, NPAI
- David Sapiro, Founder, Pilotsystems
- Stefano Scamuzzo, BI Initiative Lead, Engineering
- Hans-Ulrich Schmid, Director, Stuttgart Region Open Source Initiative
- Gerd Schürmann, Director, Fraunhofer FOKUS e-Government Laboratory
- Damien Seguy, Manager, Alter Way Consulting
- Raphael Semeteys, QSOS Expert, AtosOrigin
- Kazuhiko Shiozaki, Nexedi Japan
- Alberto Sillitti, Professor, Free University of Bolzano
- Jean-Paul Smets, CEO, Nexedi
- Marine Soroko, Founder and CEO, Core-Techs
- Jacques Souillot, CRDP Paris
- Bruno Souza, Sun
- Diomidis Spinellis, SQO-OSS Project coordinator, Athens University of Economics and Business
- Bogdan Stefanescu, Architect, Nuxeo
- JF Taltavull, R&D Manager, Wallix
- Sun Tan, Nuxeo
- Nel Taurisson, SkinSoft
- Daniel Tallez, CTO and Co-Founder, Yerbabuena Software
- Cedric Thomas, CEO, OW2 Consortium
- Jean-Paul Triaille, Lawyer, Wolf & Partners
- Theofanis Vassiliou-Gioles, CEO, Testing Technologies
- Joannes Vermorel, Founder, Lokad
- Dominique Vernay, Chairman, System@TIC
- Jesus Villasante, Head of Unit, Software and Service Architectures and Infrastructures, European Commission
- Quoc Viet Ha, Thales
- Karel De Vriendt, Head of Unit, IDABC-DIGIT, European Commission
- Frédéric Vuillot, member of the OpenOffice community in France
- Huaimin Wang, Professor, NUDT School of Computer (National University of Defense Technology)
- Anthony Wasserman, Professor and Director, Center for Open Source Investigation, Open BRR expert, Carnegie Mellon Silicon Valley
- Matt Watchinski, senior director of Vulnerability research
- Jim Whitehurst, Directeur & C.E.O., Red Hat