October 01, 2010, from 02:00 PM to 04:00 PM - Register >
13 finalists for the Demo Cup competition have been announced and have competed live on the 1st of October for the prestigious Open Innovation Awards.
The 13 finalists are:
(Read the full press release in PDF).
The Open Innovation Summit has been recognized as an important showcase and deal-making forum in Europe and worldwide. It is the launchpad for innovative Open Source technologies, products and services.
The Open Innovation Awards 2010 will be awarded to the top best presenters at the Demo Cup. The contest is open to all Open Source projects and solutions getting ready for commercial launch or already on the market. The jury will be looking at those projects and solutions most likely to have a significant impact on society and on the marketplace.
The Open Innovation Demo Cup is about products; it requires timed, live demonstrations; and does not allow slide presentations! In recognition of the difficulty of communicating the power and value of Open Source projects on stage in a short 8 minutes, the Demo Cup will honor outstanding presentations. Chosen for their style, passion, clarity, and sometimes for their sheer fun, these Open Innovation Awards reward a unique ability to deliver a great product and position it in the market, to show off its most compelling features, to differentiate it from other products — and along the way to entertain a tough and critical Open World Forum audience.
Preparation and Rehearsal. Your Demo Cup demonstration is the culmination of months of work. The Open Innovation Summit will provide Personal Presentation Coaching, Technical Expertise and Product Rehearsals, and PR Training the days before the Finals.
On stage. 8 minutes — just you and your product in front of the Open World. We invest heavily in the Open Innovation Summit stage and crew each year to ensure your Open Source projects shine on our platform. We go beyond the 150+ seats ballroom via a live online broadcast on the Web to worldwide viewers (TBC).
Networking. The Open Innovation Summit is uniquely designed to create instant access and fruitful interaction. Open Innovation is different — we focus the attention on yourOpen Source project or solution, regardless of your team's size or budget. Over the course of three days, the Open World Forum agenda puts you in a position to network with investors from around the world, corporate managers from acquiring companies and the most influential reporters and bloggers in the Open Source communities.
Award Ceremony. The ceremony will take place in the plenary conference room at the conclusion of the 3-day Open World Forum, on October 1st.
The Demo Cup Jury includes investors, entrepreneurs, Open Source managers from leading IT services companies, and consultants; all of them experts in Open Source and innovation: Larry Augustin (SugarCRM), Jean-François Caenen (Capgemini), Jean-Marie Chauvet (LC Capital), Stefane Fermigier (Nuxeo), Jean-François Gallouin (Via Innovation), Roberto Galopini (consultant), Thierry Koerlen (Ulteo), Jean-Noel Olivier (Accenture), Bruno Pinna (Bull), Alain Revah (Internet Venture).
The winners of the 2009 edition of the Innovation Awards where:
Read the Press Release >
The Open Innovation Summit's history of identifying and helping to launch groundbreaking Open Source projects, coupled with our incredible mix of investors, journalists and major technology audience make the Open Innovation Demo Cup the optimal springboard for announcing your Open Source products and solutions. Whether your goal is to announce yourself, to start commercial launch or to secure your next round of funding or a strategic partnership, apply now to the Open Innovation Demo Cup.
Candidates should submit an Executive Summary (a short version of their business plan, max 5 pages long) with a Logo for their Open Source project or solution, together with an overview of their application, and a 1/2 page text explaining how they expect to perform their demonstration. A screencast or video of a demonstration would also be helpful for the jury, but not mandatory at this point.
Please download our information package, fill it, and send it to innovationsummit@openworldforum.org to get started.
The judges will convene to assess the submissions and select the top 12 finalists by August 31st, 2010. Press releases and media activities will go out on the selected finalists starting September 1st, 2010.